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PRecycling +PRIMUS Webinar Stakeholder Involvement and Commitment

Hello PRIMUS community,

April 17th we organized a webinar with PRecycling project, dedicated to Stakeholder Involvement and Commitment.

We’re thrilled to announce that our Stakeholder Engagement webinar, held in collaboration with PRIMUS Project  and PRecycling Project, was a tremendous success! Hosted by Tallinn University and led by Pille Ubakivi-Hadachi, the webinar attracted a significant audience of external stakeholders eager to engage. We were honored to have AIJU Instituto Tecnológico de Producto Infantil y Ocio represented by Pablo Busó as part of this insightful discussion.

The recording of the webinar is now available on our YouTube channel! Don’t miss out on the valuable insights shared! Make sure to subscribe to our channel to access the recording and stay updated on future events!





